Saturday 28 September 2013

The Truth About the Commodity Markets

In order to be a successful trader, you must understand the true realities of the markets. You must learn how the professionals make money and what is possible. Most traders come into commodity trading, lose a substantial portion of their capital and then leave trading without ever having a correct perception of what good trading is all about.

Mathematicians have conclusively shown the financial markets to be what are called non-linear, dynamic systems. Chaos theory is the mathematics of analyzing such non-linear, dynamic systems. The commodity markets are chaotic systems. Such systems can produce random-looking results that are not truly random. Chaos research has proved that the markets are not efficient, and they are not forecastable. Commodity market price movement is highly random with a small trend component.

Most beginning traders assume that the way to make money is to learn how to predict where market prices are going next. As chaos theory suggests, the truth is that the markets are not predictable except in the most general way.

"Many people make the mistake of thinking that market behavior is truly predictable. Nonsense. Trading in the markets is an odds game, and the object is always keep the odds in your favor."

Luckily, successful trading does not require effective prediction mechanisms. Good trading involves following trends in a time frame where you can be profitable.

The trend is your edge. If you follow trends with proper risk management methods and good market selection, you will make money in the long run. Good market selection refers to trading in good trending markets generally rather than selecting a particular situation likely to result in an immediate trend.

There are three related hurdles for traders.

1. The first is finding a trading method that actually has a statistical edge.
2. Second is following it with consistency.
3. Third is consistently following the method long enough for the edge to manifest itself on the bottom line.

This statistical edge is what separates speculating from gambling. In fact, effective trading is actually like the gambling casino rather than the gambling customer.  "A successful commodity trading program must be based on the simple premise that no one really knows what the markets are going to do.

We can guess, but we don't know. The best a commodity trader can hope for is an approach which provides a slight edge. Like a gambling casino, the trader must earn his profits by exploiting that edge over an extended series of trades. But on any given trade, like an individual casino bet, the edge is pretty meaningless."

Unsuccessful and frustrated commodity traders want to believe there is an order to the markets. They think prices move in systematic ways that are highly disguised. They hope they can somehow acquire the "secret" to the price system that will give them an advantage. They think successful trading will result from highly effective methods of predicting future price direction. These deluded souls have been falling for crackpot methods and systems since the markets started trading.

 How these desperate traders are victimized: "Futures trading is ultimately very simple. Any attempt to make trading complex is a smokescreen. Yet for self-serving reasons an army of greed-motivated promoters try to make things complicated. Too many market professionals consider it their mission in life to obfuscate. Why? Because in so doing they give the appearance that their efforts are scholarly and important. They create a need for more information, and then they fill it!"

The job of the person who wants to trade commodities rationally and prudently is to ignore the promises of those promoting pie-in-the-sky prediction mechanisms and concentrate on finding and implementing a proven, integrated methodology that follows market trends.